Thursday, July 26, 2012

i love you much more than what i can express, jst bcs you're get into my heart. although i'm naughty, flirting with others, but my heart is on YOU, im not bluffing, not liar, serious... im afraid, afraid to lost you, afraid im loving you, & end up im jst alone. i knw its impossible always with you, almost leaving penang soon, but~ haiz, duno what's going after all, hope YOU will treat me good ;) too bad that canot accompany u going for BM St Ann Church today. what i wanna tell u is, : I LOVE YOU. <3

Monday, July 23, 2012

when we getting older & older :)

Did you thinking about ours’ life? Ours’ life when we getting older & older? Our notification on facebook : you have 1 notification, XXX has pass away in this morning. Our status updated in facebook : today I’ve fetch my grandson going to his kinder garden. Our photo post on facebook : Photo taken during my son / daughter’s wedding. & etc….. guys, did you exciting for our simple life as those above? Perhaps, on that time, we gather with our old friends, we will sit in a kopitiam, chit-chat from morning till noon, drinking Chinese tea or kopi, of even with a roti bakar as our snacks… Doing nothing in a home, a biggie home, with me myself alone…

Friday, March 30, 2012

都已经离我而去了, 也很明显你抛弃我
别以为我是跟你玩爱情游戏, 我没那么多时间。
三番四次 放下脸皮寻找你的踪影,
答应自己, 不会再因为你而丢尽自己的尊贵脸皮。
是我看错你, 还是你看错我?
是我不够真心, 还是你不认真?
是我给于你过度麻烦的恋爱? 还是我们的恋爱经不起远距离的考验?
下一个会更好 :)
* 我失去了一位我爱的人, 而她 却失去了爱她的人
试问 谁比较吃亏??
im losing a person whom i love, & in the contrast, she is losing a person who truly love her . who is more unworthy ?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

excellent quotes by warren buffet

on earnings : never depend on single income, make investment to create a second source.
on spending : if you buy thing that you do not need, soon you will have to sell things that you need.
on savings : do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.
on taking risk : never test the depth of river with both the feet.
on investment : do not put all your eggs in one basket.
on expectations : honesty is very expensive gift, do not expect it from cheap people.