Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
you just leaving me within 24 hours, but i am starting missing you...
we know each other very fast,
i am very down and sad here...
don't know when can i meet you again...
seriously, a 18th yrs old man who fall into love trap,
starting know what LOVE is...
cannot live alone, cannot leave you alone...
but i will waiting, waiting the time coming...
and i will marriage you~
we know each other very fast,
i am very down and sad here...
don't know when can i meet you again...
seriously, a 18th yrs old man who fall into love trap,
starting know what LOVE is...
cannot live alone, cannot leave you alone...
but i will waiting, waiting the time coming...
and i will marriage you~
Friday, December 10, 2010
生老病死 是每个人必经之路
人生在世 就要好好珍惜一切 以免错失了 让自己遗憾一辈子
要自足常乐 不属于我们的东西 就别硬想要得到
有时学会放开 或许对你 对他 对大家 都好
放不开 执着 只会让自己 失去更多的东西
人 生就是一个不停放弃的过程 。放弃童年的无忧,成全长大的期望;放弃青春的美丽,换取成熟的智慧;放弃爱情的甜蜜,换取家庭的安稳;放弃掌声的动听,换取心灵的平静。——接受与否, 有时我们并无选择。爱因为不能拥有而深刻,梦因为不能圆而美丽。人生,总是带着残缺的美,因缺憾而凄美
有时一些渺小的东西 在你眼里经不起眼
但是往往越渺小的东西 却在你困难时 帮到你
反复 起跌 伤心 快乐 失去 拥有
没有一个人 一辈子没遇过这些
遇到时 , 就要面对 别逃避 坚强一点
与其不开心的活, 倒不如开开心心 活个痛快
跌倒了, 就爬起来
失去是很痛 但要撑住
伤心时 睡在草地上 望着天空 眼泪就不会流下来
想念一个人 就闭上眼睛 静静的 摸索他的影子
开心时 就尽情的释放 你的愉快
生气时 ,与其把关系和气氛 弄得糟 不如忍一忍
时常埋怨的人 生活会好吗?
也许 你会明白得更多
天离地 有几高?
很多东西 我们都不知道
下雨 吹风
对, 人是要向前看 向未来着想
又有谁会知道明天 会发生什么事?
学会完整用你的24小时 好过想着明天 要怎样
预测不到 要躲也躲不过
所以 一些事 想要完成的 又有能力完成
就快点把它做了 要不然后悔也没用了
对一些人来说 太奢侈..
奢侈 ?
所以更加渴望 哪怕自己得不到 也希望别人可以幸福
每个人 每张嘴
说的东西 都有不同的说法
问题是你自己 怎样想 怎样去认同
***this post was copy from my friend whom named EDWIN.
bcs i like this post much, and i duno write such a philosophy blog, so i copy it.^^
***this post was copy from my friend whom named EDWIN.
bcs i like this post much, and i duno write such a philosophy blog, so i copy it.^^
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I play because I was played.
I flirt because I need love,
But I wanna be single.
I have mention that we just a friend,
And we have over it…
I pull it back to normal,
And you felt that I have hurt you all,
I mention again,
“we just friends”
Not only you, a lot of people like/love me…
I don’t know why, is that I am good, full of yours requirements and taste, or just I am looking handsome?
· For Jn, pls, no nid worry abt me.
· For W, he love u much, pls don hurt him.
· For C, again, we jst friend, pls don think 2 much.
· For Jy, also pls don worry, I will not accept W.
· And for others, hahax, I knw that I m cute n handsome, but I will not fall in love v u guys^^
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cmarbdige Uinvrestiy

Aoccdrnig to a rseearch sduty at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy , it deosn't mtttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the first and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wednesday, which is public holiday, and have a gather with my friends, they are my buddies, and because of some of my problems, I have no together with them for a week. And thus, as this chance, I outgoing with them…
12pm. McD at Greenland. Breakfast + lunch.
A lot of people there as that day is public holiday. Noisy man @@
2pm. Quensbay Mall…
5pm. Gurney Plaza.
Shopping, eating, and we saw the 8TV 终极天王. With 黎胜铭 and 叶俊岑
And then Movie ing .. Mummy ^^
And because of the shortage of time, we have cancel the Penang Youth Park.
Feel Happy and Happy because of joining my buddies….
MUackssss ^^
Kerachut Beach @ Saturday

11 November 2olo
This morning have the English summary test, just a short 3o minutes.
It’s not too hard as we can do it, but the problem is ours lecturer is quite strict and don’t know how many marks can we score even we can do it and be confidence to our answer…
After the test, have a hiking at Kerachut Beach with some of my classmate and some of my secondary school’s ex-classmate also.
It’s really fun and happy there. First time me hiking in my life. Go through the jungle, climb up and down, with the hot weather, and sweat a lot, finally we reach the beach there. Have some activities there, volley ball, monkey, squeezer etc.
Really enjoying my weekends there and have a fun. I have forgotten, don’t know how many months or years I don’t have an exercise, and now, I have do so…hahahax^^ (and next week is Penang Bridge Marathon, I also have take part)
About 4pm, all of us were tired and thus, we book a boat and go back. (Btw, some of them prefer walk out from there)
On the way going out there, there is really fun as you can feel the way that you are on top on the water. This is because of the boat. The sea water has spatter us and the wind blow to us are really fresh…(the felling I can’t explain and write out)
After having a “amazing trip”, and have fun enough, it’s time for us going back…
Have s friendship with them, I felt very nice and happy. Sweating a lot, I will wait until 2010 Penang Bridge Marathon. This is because I didn’t exercise on my free time ^^
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
ExAm s tImEs...~~

hello friends
just found that long time i have no updated my blog
and now i am here would like to inform some of mine to you all guys
my 18th yrs old 's birthday is around the corner
my college 's final exam is also around the corner
that's hard to me
just semester 1 only
a lot of thingd need to remember and study
WaLaU eh~
and that's some of me today
need to revision....
Monday, July 5, 2010
have just kan kui with my best friend...
really sad and down here...
go Central Square doing my new contact lense , worth rm150
again go popular buy some stationery...
a lot of leng lui and leng zai there ,
all of them always pay their sight at me ...
am i really look handsome???
although at anywhere also a lot of people seeing at me ...
and now arrive penang already ...
need study hard ,
then go swimming with my buddy...
named as jiale... at his apartment
tomorrow my class at 9am...
after taken my supper need to take my rest already...
hopefully when i wake up he has sms me that he forgive me...
good night all my friends.
really sad and down here...
go Central Square doing my new contact lense , worth rm150
again go popular buy some stationery...
a lot of leng lui and leng zai there ,
all of them always pay their sight at me ...
am i really look handsome???
although at anywhere also a lot of people seeing at me ...
and now arrive penang already ...
need study hard ,
then go swimming with my buddy...
named as jiale... at his apartment
tomorrow my class at 9am...
after taken my supper need to take my rest already...
hopefully when i wake up he has sms me that he forgive me...
good night all my friends.
Sunday, July 4, 2010

my body never lies when your songs embrace me
revealing the hidden language of my soul
i move my arms and my legs
i am out of myself breathing your passion and your silence
feeling your truth beneath my skin
inventing love from within
your eyes consume my hands and roses
invade my soul and i can't separate myself from life
i am a poem dancing just for you
read my words
my movements and eyes
redefine the language of the angels again
let my wilderness swallow you up while
this dance summons the stars and the moon
to kiss your shoulders clouded by the smoke
this is my testimony of light
my battle inside
this is my love for you
revealing the hidden language of my soul
i move my arms and my legs
i am out of myself breathing your passion and your silence
feeling your truth beneath my skin
inventing love from within
your eyes consume my hands and roses
invade my soul and i can't separate myself from life
i am a poem dancing just for you
read my words
my movements and eyes
redefine the language of the angels again
let my wilderness swallow you up while
this dance summons the stars and the moon
to kiss your shoulders clouded by the smoke
this is my testimony of light
my battle inside
this is my love for you
Friday, June 11, 2010

doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer
why not president, be a dreamer
why not president, be a dreamer
you can be just the one you wanna be
police man, fire fighter or a post man
why not something like your old man
you can be just the one you wanna be
doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer
why not president, be a dreamer
you can be just the one you wanna be
i know that we all got one thing
that we all share together
we got that one nice dream
we live for
you never know what life could bring
coz nothing last for ever
just hold on to the team you play for
i know you could reach the top
make sure that you won't stop
be the one that you wanna
be now sing this with me
we may have different ways to think but
it doesn't really matter we all caught up in the steam
of this life
focus on every little thing
that's what does really matter
luxury cars and bling
thats not real life
i know you could reach the top
make sure that you won't stop
be the one that you wanna be
now sing this with me
last year i used to dream about this day
now i'm here i'm singing for you
i hope i could inspire you
coz i've got all the love,
coz i've got all love for you
police man, fire fighter or a post man
why not something like your old man
you can be just the one you wanna be
doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer
why not president, be a dreamer
you can be just the one you wanna be
i know that we all got one thing
that we all share together
we got that one nice dream
we live for
you never know what life could bring
coz nothing last for ever
just hold on to the team you play for
i know you could reach the top
make sure that you won't stop
be the one that you wanna
be now sing this with me
we may have different ways to think but
it doesn't really matter we all caught up in the steam
of this life
focus on every little thing
that's what does really matter
luxury cars and bling
thats not real life
i know you could reach the top
make sure that you won't stop
be the one that you wanna be
now sing this with me
last year i used to dream about this day
now i'm here i'm singing for you
i hope i could inspire you
coz i've got all the love,
coz i've got all love for you
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